Services - PPSP
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Our Services

Working with us is hassle free, guaranteed. 

Marine Pilotage


Marine pilotage is our core business and with it a reputation for excellence in operational efficiency and safety. For a 180+ years, PPSP has been leading the way in all Victorian ports, and have developed system and procedures that are transferable. 

Should your port require a PSP (Pilotage Service Provider), or consultation in the pilotage space, talk to us about how we can help.

We can provide:

• World’s most stringent Safety Management System
• Highest level of continuous international training & learning
• On-demand service with 24 hour PDO (Pilot Dispatch Officer) customer support.
• Safe pilot transfers, via state-of-the-art pilot launches.
• Trusted marine advisor and unbiased corporate consultancy.
• Professional sales and client relations team.
• Cutting edge precision navigation PPUs (Portable Pilotage Units)



PPSP’s in depth knowledge of Victorian Ports and vessel manuverability make us the ideal choice when planning your next infrastructure project. We utilise in-house technical innovations for precision navigation and preform detailed risk analysis to give you confidence in your decision making.

Get it right the first time by letting us help you evaluate risk and drive operational efficiency.

Recent projects include: 

• Spirit of Tasmania – Passage planning support and implementation of new trade route into Corio Bay.
• Searoad Shipping – Introduction of larger vessels into the bass strait trade
• Port of Geelong – Simulations for future trade options.
• Svitzer – Cross organisational learning to implement headline towage for larger vessels.
• VRCA – Channel deepening and widening projects.
• OMC Int. – Consultation for the implementation of DUKC for greater freight efficiencies. 


Navigating 300m+ containerships up the Yarra River into Swanson Dock or manoeuvring Aframax tankers into confined berth pockets is no small feat. To give our pilots the best instrumental information possible, we built our own customised solution.

In 2015 PPSP developed and built inhouse our bespoke Personal Piloting Units (PPU). This high-end system utilises an Australian designed and built integrated IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) and RTK GNSS, providing the most accurate heading, ROT, speed, positioning and predictive vectors available in the industry.

If you are interested in adopting this technology for your own navigational needs, talk to us.



The safe transfer of our pilots is of the highest importance and we pride ourselves on our safety record.

Our highly trained crew, scheduled maintenance and supporting facilities means we never miss a transfer. 

If you would like to know how we can help with your offshore marine personnel transfer requirements, please contact us.  

We can offer: 

• All weather, 24/7 operation.
• Robust training systems for launch Masters and crew.
• Stringent pilot launch Safety Management Systems.
• Maintenance schedules to guarantee reliability.
• Search and rescue capability with overboard personnel recovery out-fitting.