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On the morning of the 22nd of February, Port Phillip Sea Pilots PDO (Pilot Despatch Officer) over heard a call for assistance from a local cray fisherman in the vicinity of Point Nepean, he reported to have a gear box issue and was drifting dangerously close to the rocky shore line. The duty PDO immediately sought approval to assist and moments thereafter, despatched the Pilot Launch “Corsair” to tow the vessel clear of danger.

Skipper Thomas Ferrier stated, “It is fantastic that PPSP have a 24/7 manned pilot station. Their fast launches are powerful and have experienced masters and crew competent in all aspects of their operation and the local area. When a breakdown happens, which is a rare thing on a well maintained modern vessel, it’s great to know there is someone always listening on VHF Radio. I sincerely thank PPSP, especially Pilot Launch Coxswain Glen Pettigrove & Crewman Craig Gray for their assistance in towing me clear of danger”.

Countless vessels and people have voluntarily been rescued by PPSP launch crews in the vicinity of the RIP since the pilots began operating in 1839.

Stay safe on the water.